Thanks to Phantom Planet for the blog title. :D

So the Mafia has finally left the house and gone on their road trip down to California. It took a bit, and a lot of arguing over what to listen to for the 8 hours it took to get down there. Now we are currently based in a posh hotel in Santa Monica as we check out the CSI:NY set, which is located in California. Once everyone's explored to their hearts content (invading the CSI thread in "Lights Camera Action!") we'll head off to Disneyland and the other theme parks and tourist spots in the LA area, because you can't go to Cali without going to Disney. We might make a pit stop on Hunnington Beach to do some water activities when no ones around and stalk various celebraties. *dances*
On another note, most people are all for Gio (David) writing a fanfic about the Mafia going to school somewhere in the Mansion area. If you and your charrie would like to be included, PM him a small bio describing your charrie to a stranger, and any other details and questions you might have.
Sorry this is uber late, I've been uber busy lately. Thus all the uber drama and use of the word uber that hasn't been posted yet. (Thanks be to Gio for the blog.)

All right, so let’s get it out of the way- Gio and Al are not on friendly terms at the moment. The latter came to tell Gio to go “get Queenie” even though he still loves her; Gio reacted negatively to this information, insisting Queenie was not some prize to be won, and practically demanding Al to let his feelings for her go. Al refused, and they got into a bit of an argument but Gio left before anything really happened.

Monica has been roaming the nearby forests in her wolf form, clutching her “shiny” in her mouth. Before she could figure out what it was, she was spotted by a chimera- which was promptly dispatched by an angry Gio. She tried to get his attention, but he called her “reckless” and left her alone. Now she’s very sad and still trying to figure out how to get back to the mansion.

Meanwhile, Lidia has had it up to here with the testosterone-fueled drama. She and several others are hoping to take that unofficial tour of the CSI: New York set, thinking it will help defuse the tension. Maybe it’s just mansion fever? Whatever it is, we are in serious need of a vacation.
New blog!
Yesterday the girls (and Gio) went shopping, but not for clothes. We made a trip to the Non-Veggie Vamp Cafe to purchase ourselves a new human (yes, it sounds weird to anyone not of the familia- don't let your siblings read this!). After some speculation and choruses of "Oh, Lidia, can we get this one, he's so cute!" like we were in a pet shop (oh wait, we were)...(techincally) we came away with one Dexter Peeta the Blood Frosted Gardening Boy- his title comes of the requirements that he bakes bloody food and is named Dexter for Queenie , looks like Peeta and makes frosting for Lidia, and at Gio's suggestion cares for Lid's orchard *eye roll* Thus, the newest member of the familia is born. Ish. he was already born, we just bought him... Um, yeah. Maria also brought home a new friend, named Danny Biscuit. She just couldn't stand to leave him to be eaten by some vamp who needed someone to take out angst on. Demitri is debating on whether or not he likes him, and Lidia thinks it will eventually blossom into a friendship tighter than William Beckett's skinny jeans (which is not physically possible.) Next, the familia will be accompanying Ab to go rescue Medea, wherever she is. After that, most of us will be taking a road trip to California, in most cases to make an "illegal" (We'll pull some strings) visit to the set of CSI:NY, which is not filmed in NY, but Cali.
In the mean time, we need to be working on making Al angry/annoyed enough to spontaneously combust into the were-unicorn we all know he is.
There is soooo much drama going on in the Mansion right now Lidia thinks she might puke, thus the post title (Thanks Gio!). Really, its just painful. Giovanni and Al may or may not have a giant death match over Queenie, but right now its playing out exactly like Eclipse. So long as we never end up with any mutant demon spawn babies though, Lid's okay. Gio has loved Queenie since... a very long time, before she lost her memory (Yay Queenivanni!). TBA if she still remembers being with him. Al, on the other hand, very recently decided he liked her too and intended to pursue her whilst acting like a gigantic pooheaded arsefaced teenager with his first crush. After "trying to rip off" (el smoochie) Queenie, he's been stomping around the Mansion and destorying a good part of the hazelnut orchard. Methinketh he needs a time out. In the mean time, people are attempting to contain their pukeishness and search for Monica's missing sun-immunity potion. Lidia would also like to know if anyone would volunteer to eat her soccer camp coach so she doesn't get any more sunburns. Medea is also missing and Ab's a bit frantic. We'd know more if they were ever on, but as their not, the Triangle of Shippiness is a bit more of a problem (Really, please, I thought we were done with Eclipse until the movie!)
Hehe, its still slow, but time for a new blog.
Queenie's back! We held a small party for her in celebration of her mostly restored memory, which ended up in a small pillow fight, the girls vs. Gio. Maria ordered a bunch of Swiss blood filled eclaires as a welcome home present, and Gio made the traditional buffet of breakfasty goodness. Al decided Axe smelled good and sprayed himself liberally with it, hoping to impress *hinthintwinkwink*. We all need to remember, now that she's back, not to hug Queenie if you like your power, although it is a bit hard when she doesn't remember it herself. We'll be doing some extra bubbly things soon to help get her memory back.
And that's it, I think...
Time for another one, although there's still not a lot to report. Queenie is spending time at St. Mungo's, undergoing memory treatment, with a rahter bothersome also-vampire room mate. Fun for her. Roxy and Gio are still absent, but a rather large amount of paintings arrived for Gio. Maria put them up in his room. Everyone else has been lolling about the Mansion in a state of extreme boredom, except Lidia. She lost herself and is currently stuck in the Abyss of Forgotten SKITS, staying as far away as possible from the Pit of Discarded Characters, where Mike and Aro are having a whipped cream party. *shudders* Depending on the good will of Stephenie Meyer, Lidia should be out soon, and hopefully as sane as she ever was. THat seems to be all that's happened... its so incredibly slow, I need new similes for its slowness!

Holy snap, we're alive! Really, we are. Contrary to the title of this post, anyways, because I just borrowed that from Monty Python. And just because we're vampires doesn't mean we're properly undead, like zombies. I can't believe I haven't updated in so long, although that may have something to do with my losing the link to here, and the thread going ridiculously slowly, and a general period of summer-sluggishness that has us all going slower than a snail with a head cold. We've had our thread for well over a month, and are (is?) only 44 pages into it? The horror! Lexicalia is going faster than us! (Though I blame the Unitedness people and Rosa and Karl taking up a large amount of space snogging) In other news... Did I mention Karl, the Tetrarch of Lexicalia, has joined us? Course, differentiating between Lexicalia and the Mafia has become a spot of confusion, but never mind that. And Queenie has returned after a very long (and for unknown reasons) absence, but not entirely. It seems she's lost her memory, so Lidia is working on rectifying that. In the mean time, people need to calm down and not freak out. Roxy and Gio are on a vacation of sorts, to visit Roxy's old family and take care of some things...

Can we boost the posting on the thread, please? Its soooooo slooowwww...


High time for a new blog!

Business: First- remember the Mod/Admin Appreciation party on the 18th of July. I still need RSVPs from a lot of people, unless you also happen to belong to another and team and are going with them. Then you should tell me so I don't bug you (or forget to) about it. We also still have to go shopping for formal wear, and people want to shop anyways. Gio still owes Roxy some, methinketh. Second- The Lexicon City thread has a brilliant idea, of having a new thread where people of every team can congergate. The thread will be in the form of a large city (Valdecuor, means city of night blood???) on a large island (Lexicalia) devoted to various Twilight related paraphanelia. There, is has been proposed (and I approved) that the Mafia will be in charge of the "shadier" dealings of the city, such as selling sugar (like crack, but sugar, like Andy's addiction) and the ensuing pie fights in the streets over who gets the last jar of Nutella, and assisting The Boss... in kidnapping certain prominent and good looking werewolves. Things of that sort, whatever you can think of. What say ye, familia? I expect comments!


Ello, familia!

Sab here, just letting you know I'm overhauling the site so don't be alarmed if something isn't working of it looks different.

I should be done by tommorrow.

*edit* Oooorrrrrrr, TODAY!
Took a lot less time than I thought, then again I started out with some really EXTREME idea, realized how much work they would be, and threw them out the window.


Late edit by Lidia: In the mean time, everyone... TO THE BEACH! As in the Florida thread. A piece of Oregon coast has been transplanted there, for no reason whatsoever.

EDIT EDIT: Tonight (tonight being Friday night) we shall be leaving Florida and returning to the mansion. The Floridans need their own thread, and ours is feeling rather neglected. Once we get back home, most people will be going shopping for their formal-wear for APPC's Mod/Admin Appreciation Party (to be held on the Mod/Admin Appreciation thread on July 18th, so we have about a month to get ready). Make sure you PM me (Lidia) to RSVP for the party. The invintation is posted on our thread by midnight_sun and on practically every other thread as well.


Overdue, again. Remind me more often, okay? Or make stuff happen! Just don't get crazy, like Logan.

News: We got the antidote. Finally. Like Andy's rescue, it took us forever and a day to get together and move our arses, but eventually Frankie, Rosa, Queenie, Lidia and Dart trapped, pinned, "sat upon" and took the antidote from Talon. Lidia and Queenie apparated back to the house, whereupon mixing it with Gio's favorite type of blood gave him the antidote. And he's mostly all better now, yay! Talon was left alive (for the most part) to give a parting message of Lidia's to Silias. Contents unknown. In other news, Scarlett may have some slight mental issues concerning strange flashbacks to her childhood that give her random pretty. odd. spaz moments. Beware. And it seems Cosimo might need a visit from the Grammar Stick of Doom soon if he doesn't start typing properly again. Where's Chaos been to keep him under control?

And that's the end... Until next (hopefully not) week! (Remind me to post these more often, and they'll show up more!)