Well, it's buh-bye Canada, helllo thread #8! And we're kicking thing off with a party in celebration of Ab's birthday! We also have a new famliy member, Marta something-or-other (sorry, I forgot!). I'm no longer purple thanks to Medea (finally) giving me something to fix it, Rosa made a confetti bomb that covered the entire estate with confetti, and we ate a giant Yan shaped cake for Ab's birthday. We are also planning another man hunting expedition for tommorrow, can't recall for who though...

-A.L. Sabina

2/3/2009 11:02:17 am

You can try Sabina, but then you'll never be the same color again, because the moment I die (On the thread) everything I ever created will disapear, in other words, bye-bye potions (That are the cure, which I have with me). :D

Mr Sexy Donut Man
2/4/2009 07:46:22 am

I think you look good in puple, Sab.
You look like a blueberry. I could practically eat you!!!
Don't put her back, Medea!!!


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